Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Australian Embassy Vienna

Contact the Australian Embassy, Vienna

The Australian Embassy is open from 08:30 - 16:30 Monday to Friday.


Consular, Passports and Notarial Services

Email [email protected] (not for visa enquiries)

Phone us on +43 1 506 740 (not for visa enquiries)

See Services for Australians for information.

FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY, Australian citizens requiring urgent assistance outside normal Embassy opening hours, including weekends and public holidays: Call the Australian Embassy at +43 1 506 740 and follow the instructions to be put through to the 24 hour Consular Emergency Centre in Canberra.  Alternatively, call the Consular Emergency Centre in Canberra directly on (+61 2) 6261 3305. Further information on where to get help can be found on Smartraveller


Visa Information and Enquiries

Staff at the Australian Embassy Vienna are unable to assist with visa enquiries.

Get detailed advice on visa enquiries here or contact the Home Affairs Global Service Centre on +61 2 61960196


General Enquiries

For commercial, political or other business matters, email [email protected] (not for visa enquiries). 


Cultural Diplomacy and Events

Email [email protected] (not for visa enquiries). 

Are you interested in attending  future events organised by the Australian Embassy? Register with us by completing this form. 


Embassy Location 

Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the UN
The Icon
Gertrude-Froehlich-Sandner-Str. 2
1100 Vienna

Directions to the Embassy - overview.

Directions to the Embassy - detailed instructions from U-bahn and trains.


Embassy Opening Hours

The Australian Embassy is open from 08:30 - 16:30 Monday to Friday.

The Embassy observes the following list of public holidays and will be closed on these dates:

Public Holidays 2025

Wednesday, 1 January - New Year's Day
Monday, 6 January - Epiphany
Friday, 14 April - Good Friday
Monday, 21 April - Easter Monday
Thursday, 1 May - Labour Day
Thursday, 29 May - Ascension
Monday, 9 June - Whit Monday
Thursday, 19 June - Corpus Christi
Friday, 15 August - Assumption
Monday, 27 October - Austrian National Day (in lieu)
Monday, 8 December - Immaculate Conception 
Wednesday, 24 December - Christmas Eve
Thursday, 25 December - Christmas Eve
Friday, 26 December - Boxing Day