Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Get in Touch


Reach Out to Us

The Australian Embassy Vienna hosts regular events targeted to supporting current and prospective investors, especially in target industries such as clean energy and defence. 

If you're interested in attending future business and industry-focused events, or otherwise engaging with our commercial team, please reach out to [email protected]

As a current or prospective investor, you can also seek specialised support and advice from:

Contact details for all these organisations can be found below. 



The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is Australia's official trade promotion organisation.

The Austrade office responsible for Austria is located in Frankfurt, Germany:

Austrade Frankfurt
Main Tower, 28th Floor
Neue Mainzer Strasse 52 - 58
60311 Frankfurt/Main
Ph: +49 69 - 9055 8110
Fax: +49 69 - 9055 8119
Email: [email protected]
Website: Austrade Frankfurt

The Austrade office responsible for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia and Slovenia is located in Prague, Czechia:

Australian Consulate Prague
Unit 6/3, Solitaire Office Building
Klimentska 10
110 00 Prague
Czech Republic
Ph: +420 2 9657 8363
Fax: +420 2 9657 8352

Australian State Government Trade and Investment Offices in Europe

New South Wales Trade and Investment Office
The Australia Centre
The Strand
London WC2 B4LG
United Kingdom
Ph: +44 20 7887 5871
Fax: +44 20 7887 5246
Email: [email protected]

Queensland Trade and Investment Office
Agent-General for Queensland
Queensland House
392 – 393 Strand
London WC2R 0LZ
United Kingdom
Ph: +44 20 7836 1333
Fax: +44 20 7420 8770
Email: [email protected]

South Australia Trade and Investment Office
Agent-General for South Australia
Australia Centre, Strand
London WC2B 4LG
United Kingdom
Ph: +44 20 7836 3455
Fax: +44 20 7887 5332
Email: [email protected]

Invest Victoria
c/o Regus
An der Welle 4
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Western Australian Government Office in Europe
Australia Centre, Strand
London WC2B 4LG
United Kingdom
Ph: +44 20 7240 2881
Fax: +44 20 7240 6637
Email: [email protected]


Industry Groups


Austrian Australian Business Council (AABC)

The Austrian Australian Business Council (AABC) strengthens business ties between Austria and Australia, allowing exclusive networking opportunities for areas such as trade and investment support and member events with focused themes relevant to help business grow. Based in Vienna, AABC is a platform that fosters collaboration, connecting members with industry and governments/NGOs.

Australian Business In Europe (ABIE)

Australian Business In Europe (ABIE) is a non-political international business networking organisation. ABIE is an international membership of about 1000 drawn from Australian companies with business interests and connections in Europe and from a wide range of European companies with reciprocal interest in Australia.