Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

Verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)


IAEA Board of Governors Meeting

Statement by HE Mr Richard Sadleir, Resident Representative of Australia to the IAEA

Agenda Item 3 (Iran): Verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)

21 November 2019



Australia thanks the acting Director General for his 11 November report on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s implementation of nuclear related obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

We also thank the Secretariat for the informal technical briefing provided on 14 November.



Australia remains convinced that the JCPOA serves the international community’s interests in nuclear non-proliferation. However, we are also very clear in our view that Iran must comply with the JCPOA.

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s ability to undertake effective verification and monitoring activities in Iran under the terms of the deal is fundamental to Australia’s ongoing support for the JCPOA.



We remain deeply concerned by the many steps Iran has now taken to wind back its compliance with the JCPOA. We do not accept the Iranian Government’s argument of ‘less for less’.

It is deeply regrettable that these breaches in compliance now extend to the recent expansion of its centrifuge research and development program and  stocks of heavy water beyond the JCPOA limit.

We once again urge Iran to reverse its actions and to urgently return to full compliance with all of its obligations under the JCPOA.

We underline the need for frank and constructive dialogue between the participants to the JCPOA in the interests of our collective peace and security.

We call upon Iran to refrain from any actions which might further jeopardise the JCPOA, compromise the Plan’s contribution to nuclear non-proliferation, or which risk further escalating international tensions.

We would also like to underscore that access provided through the provisional application of the Additional Protocol is crucial to international confidence regarding Iran’s intentions.

Once again, Australia commends and expresses appreciation for the efforts of JCPOA parties to maintain the arrangement. 



It is essential that Iran show restraint and uphold international legal norms, including those relating to the privileges and immunities accorded IAEA staff in carrying out their duties. We also call on Iran to fulfil its obligations by providing timely and full responses to questions put to it by the Agency on its safeguards commitments.



Finally, Australia expresses strong support for the Agency’s work in monitoring and verification in Iran, and its ongoing judgement on reporting to the Board of Governors, including on issues it deems pertinent to the application of the Additional Protocol.

We encourage the Agency to remain seized of these matters and to undertake to provide updates to the Board as it deems appropriate.

We thank the Agency and staff for their continued rigour, professionalism, consistency and independence.

Thank you.