Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

67th General Conference - Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

67th Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference

Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Statement delivered by Ms Eugenie Hwang, Alternate Representative of Australia to the IAEA

29 September 2023


Thank you, President.

We commend the Canadian delegation for their tireless work and leadership in steering the DPRK Core Group in negotiating this year’s resolution on Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.  We also thank all member states who have co-sponsored this important resolution, and note the growing support for this resolution.


Australia continues to condemn in the strongest terms the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)’s ongoing pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and delivery systems. The DPRK’s continued advancement of its illegal nuclear weapons programme, including long-range missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons, threatens all countries.

DPRK’s actions pose a grave threat to international peace and security, and a serious challenge to international non-proliferation efforts.

Australia once again calls on the DPRK to refrain from conducting further nuclear explosive tests, and to sign and ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty without further delay.


The DPRK’s illegal and destabilising actions call for a strong and united response by the international community. UN Security Council sanctions against the DPRK should be implemented fully by all countries.


The text of the resolution represents the Core Group’s best efforts to ensure this Conference adopts a consensus text reflecting these factual updates, to send a firm, united message to the DPRK that its actions will never be accepted or normalised, and that the international community will continue to call out its violations and escalatory acts.

We welcome the support of all Member States in adopting this resolution as tabled by Canada on behalf of the co-sponsors.

Thank you.