The Australian Embassy in Vienna calls for applications for aid projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the 2020-21 Australian Direct Aid Program (DAP).
The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.
Applicants may submit a single project proposal to the amount of up to AUD 6,000 (Australian Dollars) for the 2020-21 Australian financial year (July 2020 - June 2021). Applications and supporting documents, including a detailed budget overview, should be submitted no later than 13 November 2020 .
DAP is available on a not-for-profit basis to NGOs engaged in development activities in countries that are eligible for official development assistance (ODA).
The DAP program in Bosnia and Herzegovina focuses on supporting small-scale development projects and activities.
- Particular attention is given to projects providing direct benefits to those most in need in the local community.
- We will favourably consider projects supporting education, health, disability, water and sanitation, vulnerable children, women’s empowerment, sustainable livelihoods and income generation for marginalised communities.
- Applications should clearly detail the expected developmental impact of the project.
- All applications must be accompanied by a fully costed project budget.
We will generally NOT fund the following:
- cash grants or micro-credit schemes or projects that involve the return of money
- commercial ventures, purchase of major assets, eg vehicles or land
- Australian or overseas study tours
- international travel
- sponsorship of major sporting tournaments or cultural displays that do not have a clear developmental benefit
- staff salaries
- routine, recurring running costs and administrative expenses including office rental and utility costs, spare parts, routine maintenance
Projects should be self-contained, with finite time lines. Activities in which the recipient community themselves makes a significant contribution in terms of labour, materials or cash are particularly well-received. Projects that might act as a catalyst for additional development of the community or a model for similar developments elsewhere will also be welcomed. Activities may run up to a maximum of two years. If you are a first time DAP applicant, please provide two written reference letters with your application.
The first DAP application round for 2020-2021 closes on 13 November 2020. To access the English version of the online application form please see here. All applications must be accompanied by a fully costed project budget. A detailed budget is required and must be supported by two quotations. The DAP application form is to be completed by the applicant and then submitted to [email protected] . In the event you experience difficulties accessing the online application form, please email [email protected] for assistance.
Applications for DAP funding are screened by the DAP Coordinator. Short-listed projects are then considered by the DAP Committee. Projects approved by the Committee are recommended to the Ambassador for final approval. The assessment process will begin after the closure of each round and can take up to three months. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
Successful applicants will be required to report on implementation and provide (interim) financial acquittal in accordance with the individual DAP funding agreements.