IAEA Board of Governors
Statement by Ms Anne Craig, Alternate Representative of Australia to the IAEA
Agenda Item 4 (c): Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic
24-26 November 2021
Thank you Chair
Australia regrets no new information has come to the knowledge of the Agency that would impact on its assessment that it was very likely that the building destroyed at the Dair Alzour site was a nuclear reactor that should have been declared by Syria.
Australia calls on Syria to implement the Resolution adopted by the Board in June 2011, to cooperate fully with the Agency in clarifying matters related to this site, and to bring into force an Additional Protocol, which would further facilitate the Agency’s ability to verify the correctness and completeness of Syria’s declarations.
Australia requests the implementation of safeguards in Syria be retained on the Board’s agenda, and that the Director General continue to report to the Board on this matter.
Thank you Chair